Since I get asked this often enough, here’s a rundown of what I use to make my work [as of 2023]. Here, I’ll just be focusing on my digital art set up but down the line I might create a squeal to this entry detailing my traditional media tools.

An animated gif of a demon character talking. Their expression is focused.

NOTE: While good tools make the job easier in a lot of ways, they alone don’t make the art.


Photo of a desk with digital drawing tools set up, including a computer with extra screen. On the screen is a digital illustration of a lich queen in progress.

Main Rig

Surface Pro 8 with Surface Slim Pen 2 | The machine I do my stuff on. I also have a paper-like textured screen protector on the screen to make the drawing experience feel closer to working on toothy paper. Does chew through nibs though, so bare that in mind if you want to go that route as well.

Pros: Very portable, runs a full OS, good enough battery life for now, does what I need it to do. Keyboard doubles as charger and storage for pen. Pen is also comfortably lightweight.

Cons: Can get hot when running heavy programs ie Blender or games. I just use this to draw, so it isn’t an issue I run into much. Will not be easy to repair, like many modern devices. Slim pen doesn’t stick to the side of the device like older Surface models, but that isn’t a major flaw. Pen is also rubberized, which means it is bound to get sticky and gross as it inevitably de-vulcanizes later. Pen nibs are a little pricey.

    Other Specs
  • 16GB RAM
  • Intel i7 Processor

Extra Monitor

Some cheap Acer thing. I just needed an extra screen to glance at references and emails easier.


Photo of a desk with digital drawing tools set up, including a computer with extra screen. On the screen is a digital illustration of a lich queen in progress.

Clip Studio Paint EX: I make the majority of my work with this software. I made the switch from PhotoShop to this program and have never looked back for the most part.

Affinity Software Suite: For stuff that Clip Studio Paint can’t do well/isn’t built for, like desktop publishing.

Inkscape: Mostly for the “trace bitmap” function.

I also have a bunch of other art and design focused software but I don’t use them often enough to justify listing them here.

Brushes and Other Assets

For lining: custom brush: a modified version of the default textured pen in CSP. All I did was adjust the aliasing to give it a crispy edge, swapped the brush shape from a regular circle to a more ragged edged circle, and flattened the pressure curve.

Halftones: Depends on how I’m feeling that day/what works best for the piece. I’ve used True Grit’s stuff, this brush pack by Quippy, and this set by pirpi. I also use CSP’s built-in halftone layer property effect as well.

Pixel art: This set by lacardozarojas and this dithering set by Pixel Glade.

Textures: Mostly True Grit Texture Supply stuff. I also like the default stippling spray brush, too.

Other assets Can be found at my Resources Library.

Brain Worms: Chilling
Listening to: 99 Scents | Melted Bodies
Reading: Something on flexbox. Forgot some stuff lol
Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Weather: Clear and slightly chilly